Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Video Project! "Hunt"

I'm officially announcing the launch of a new video project by Watermelon Film Productions! The movie currently titled "Hunt" will be a collaborative effort among various groups to produce a movie about a scavenger hunt (if you have a better name suggestion please let me know). This won't have a complicated plot or anything, but we will come up with an agreed upon list of items to find in a photo scavenger hunt, and then each group of freinds from your hometown or whatever will conduct the scavenger hunt on their own time, photographing and video taping their efforts. I'll stitch together all the footage and hopefully we can come up with a way to have an ending where it all comes together in the end. Maybe like some of the items are only found at UCLA. So, post some items you think would be good scavenger hunt items in the comments below and we can start deciding on a list, but try to keep them to things that can be found mostly everywhere (not just in California, since I'll be in Hawaii). I'll get the ball rolling: 7 different escalators, tourists, one or more of your group members on a boat, a true guitar hero, boots with the fur, a visor that's dividing, guy in a suit holding a breifcase, bongos. Obviously it's okay if some of the items are open to interpretation, that's more fun anyway. Well go on! Post!

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